I’ll Take You
Gary Sigler
It is a great
tragedy that people are walking around on the earth lost, not
knowing where they came from or who they are. Even most of God’s
people are in despair and despondency because they are living in a
false identity, not being able to identify with their true nature.
It is so sad that multitudes of people
have a heart for God, yet they are so confused as to who they are,
why they are here, and where they came from. Some of you have heard
me minister on a song written by Linda Musgrove of Cunningham,
Texas. For those of you who have not heard this song, I will quote
it here:
take you back to where you were in Me
before the fall of man.
I’ll restore your soul. I’ll reconcile your heart.
give you back your true identity.
I’m removing the veil from your eyes
so that you can clearly see
you will be with Me in paradise
on this earth you’ll walk with Me.
The message of this song has been
such a blessing to me, confirming many things that the Lord has
revealed to me. The more I hear this song, and the more I sing this
song, the more God unveils my eyes to the reality of why I’m here.
One of the things the Lord said to me through this song was, “My
people are beginning to move and minister from the Holy of Holies.”
For years, we’ve had the message of
the three feasts (Passover—Outer Court, Pentecost—Holy Place, and
Tabernacles—Holy of Holies). For many years, I was in the Outer
Court, always confessing my sins and finding forgiveness, but not
finding deliverance from the sin principle in my life. Then I spent
a lot of time in the Holy Place—in Pentecost. This is where there
is a mixture—the natural and the spiritual in the same temple. It
is God in me, which is a marvelous revelation. Then I spent many
years trying to get from the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies. I
did not realize that what I was taught—and how I was going about
walking through this experience—was totally opposite from what it
should have been.
Living From The Holy of Holies
Finally, God opened my eyes to where I
came from and to my true identity. I then began to realize that the
Holy of Holies is not some place to which I need to attain. It is
the realm in which I (the new creation man) really live.
When I began to realize that I am a spiritual person on a human
journey and God began to unveil my eyes to my true identity, I began
to walk in His love and His compassion and His forgiveness. I no
longer had to try to get into the Holy of Holies. I just needed to
live from the new creation person that I am.
The experience of Tabernacles is not
living and ministering from the Outer Court or the Holy Place.
Tabernacles is living and ministering from our spirit, the Holy of
Holies. We do not live from the Outer Court or the Holy Place. We
do not have to attain to anything. Many believe we must be
processed into this place. I do admit that it seems like a
processing as long as you are living in a religious mindset, trying
to overcome by natural means and methods. However, once you
experience Christ, your true nature, arising in you, you realize
that He does not need to be processed. It is not processing that we
need. It is the renewing of our mind that will cause us to
be who we really are. As the song says, we need to have the veil
removed that has been cast over our eyes. People have tried so many
ways, so many methods, so many religions, to gain back favor with
God, not knowing the depth of His love and His forgiveness. God is
now giving us back our true identity. He is restoring our soul and
reconciling our heart.
When God unveils your eyes and your
mind is renewed, you realize that you are a spiritual being
and that you have always been a spiritual being. When
you entered into this physical realm, you came into a realm of total
darkness and death, not knowing who you were or where you came
from. That is what happened to all of us, and that is why we need
to be RE-generated. Upon entering into this physical realm, we lost
our identity. We are all here by choice and have forgotten why we
came. God is now giving us back our true identity, and we are
waking up to our true nature. “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou
that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee
light.” (Eph. 5:14) “Shake thyself from the dust;
arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of
thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” (Isa. 52:2)
Shake yourself from the dust (the
carnal human reasoning). You are not a natural carnal human.
You are a spiritual being. In Genesis, Chapter 1, God created
man in His image. In Genesis, Chapter 2, God formed man from the
dust of the ground. These two verses seem to be contradictory. Did
God create man or form man? In Genesis 1, God created spiritual
beings. That is our true nature and substance. We are spiritual
beings. God is the Father of our spirit. “Furthermore we
have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them
reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto
the Father of spirits,
and live?” (Heb 12:9) God is spirit, and He created
spirits. He is not the Father of our fallen flesh. Jesus said to
those that wanted to kill Him, “Ye are of your father the
devil.” (John 8:44) To live by “your father the
devil” is to live from the natural carnal reasoning and
understanding. When Jesus told His disciples that He was going to
the cross, Peter said, “Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not
be unto thee.” (Matt. 16:22) Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind
me satan.” Peter was speaking from his natural mind.
After God created man in Genesis,
Chapter 1, He then formed man from the dust of the ground in
Genesis, Chapter 2. In Chapter 1, we were created a spiritual
being; and in Chapter 2, we were lowered into the flesh realm. WAKE
UP, you who are sleeping; and you will discover that you are a
spiritual being in the likeness of your Father God. When this
realization hits you, your struggling days are over. You can then
begin to enter into His rest and watch His life unfold within you.
As I have shared before, your spiritual being will flow into your
mind so that you have the mind of Christ, your spirit will flow into
your emotion so that you walk in the love of God, and your spirit
will flow into your will so that you will naturally want to do the
will of God. It is your nature to please God and to be pure in all
things. You see, this is your true nature and identity. Jesus was
our example of what we are once we are RE-generated. I realize you
must have your eyes opened to experience this; and if you will ask
God, He will reveal to you your true nature.
The Parable of the Sower
Another parable put he
forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man
which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy
came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when
the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the
tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto
him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence
then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this.
The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather
them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye
root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the
harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,
Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn
them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
(Matt. 13:24-30)
We have always been taught that the
wheat was the good folks—those who went to an altar, those who had
received Jesus—and the tare was the unbeliever, the sinner, and the
reprobate. However, the good seed and tare was sown in the same
He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed
is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the
children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the
wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is
the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore
the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the
end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and
they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and
them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire:
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Matt. 13:37-42)
Jesus said that a man went and sowed
good seed in his field. The field represents the ground, and we
know that man was formed from the dust of the ground. The good seed
that was sown in the ground was the children of the Kingdom, the
seed of God, the spirit of man. And while men slept, the enemy came
and sowed the tare. The tare that the enemy sowed was the carnal
man, the carnal mentality, the carnal mind, and the carnal
thinking. The tare is the false identity that you received by
coming into the physical realm. The tare is the seed of the
You are a spiritual being on a human
journey; but because of “the fall,” you awoke in this physical realm
not knowing where you came from, not knowing who you were or what
your destiny was. Although the Lord sowed good seed in the field
(in your earth, in your ground), while you slept in this death
state, the enemy came and sowed the tare of the carnal mind, the
human personality. And so, all your life, you were raised by your
parents and teachers to think of yourself as something that was
separate from God. In reality, you could never be separate from God
because you were created from His substance. You are only separated
in your darkened mind and understanding. This is why you need to be
regenerated. You came out of God and are returning to God. The
religions of the world all taught you that you were something
separate and apart from God. You were totally lost to your true
identity through physical birth, and you were then told by religion
that, to gain access to God, you must perform a certain way to gain
His favor so that you can go to heaven when you die.
The truth is that religion is also the
tare. The tare looks just like the wheat while it is growing.
Religious leaders want to control you and keep you in subjection to
them. Believe me, religion is all about control. It comes
in many forms. It sounds so good and right. They say, “You need a
covering over you, and we are that covering. You must look to us
because we are the bishops (or the pastors or the prophets), and we
can hear God; but you are just a child and must look to us, your
covering. We know what is best for you.” When you accept this kind
of mentality, you come into religious bondage. Whenever you subject
yourself to anyone’s control, you have just put yourself into a
prison. You will stay there as long as you refuse to take the time
to discover God within you. When you discover God within you and
you learn to trust Him, He becomes your teacher. Anytime anyone
points you to anyone but Jesus as your example, you need to RUN from
that person. They will control you by telling you what to read or
not to read, who to listen to or turn away from. After all, they
say, “We are the watchman on the wall, and we must tell you what to
do. We must warn you about so and so.” They usurp the Holy
Spirit’s control over you, and many let them do so. Jesus said,
“When He the Spirit of truth is come, HE will guide you into ALL
truth.” Many are afraid of the truth because they have submitted
themselves to man’s control; and when the Spirit begins to reveal
truth to them, their religious leaders tell them it is deception.
NEVER let a man or woman control you. I am not telling you that you
should not ever take advice from another person, but you should
never let another person exercise control over you and tell you what
you must do. For instance, many say you must be in a
traditional church setting to really please God. Some are even
saying today that we need to go back to all the religious rituals
with robes and candles. If you feel that this is what the Spirit
would have you do, then by all means do so; but do not let man
convince you that you must do this to gain godliness in your life.
The truth is that, “For where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matt.18:20)
We should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together for
fellowship, but it does not have to be in a traditional setting. I
do not mean by this that we should not have churches. I wish we had
more of them teaching the principles of the Kingdom.
Many people like this bondage because
they are too lazy to shake themselves and wake up to the truth.
Also, religion causes you to fear your true identity. “How could
you, a mortal man, make yourself as God?” they will say. This
is what they said to Jesus, and this is what they will say to you
when you begin to wake up to your true nature and identity. So many
people have struggled all their life with the carnal mentality,
trying to make themselves godly, not knowing that they are lost in a
mistaken identity. That mistaken identity will never be God. The
mistaken identity is the abomination of desolation that sits in the
temple of God, ruling as a carnal man instead of submitting to the
spiritual man. The answer to the sin problem is to discover that
you are a spiritual being and that you have the life, the nature,
and the character of God. We are His offspring, His children. How
could we be anything less than what He is in His nature?
Well, that is why God is saying
today. “I will take you back to where you were in Me before the
fall of man. I’ll restore your soul.” And that is where the
problem is, because the carnal mind abides in the soulish realm—in
our mind, our will, and our emotions. The scriptures tell us that
the natural man—the carnal mind—cannot receive the things of God.
It is absolutely impossible! That is why we have such a mess in the
world today—because carnally minded men have been trying to figure
this out for years. “My God, what do we need to do to get God to
show up? What do we need to do to bring some unity into the
church?” Men with carnal minds—good men—have devised hundreds and
thousands of different kinds of religions and practices and ways and
means and methods to be godly and to be filled with the Spirit and
to be healed and to be prosperous and so many other things. There
are thousands of methods and teachings, and all they do is stir up
our carnal mentality and keep us in that realm where we are trying
to take a carnal consciousness and make it godly.
Imagine, if you will, waking up one
morning to your true identity. You realize as the scripture says,
“As He is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17)
Imagine what you would be like with this realization. I remember
reading Madam Guyon’s autobiography. She had many years of
tribulation and much suffering, spending a lot of time in prison
locked up by the church of her day for her faith. But after years
of suffering, she said, “I woke up one morning, and my soul had
become like the New Jerusalem.” She woke up one morning in God’s
likeness and image. And from that time, miraculous things began to
happen in her ministry. That is what has to happen to all of us.
We must WAKE UP to our true selves and put on the mind of Christ and
begin to reconcile all of creation back to God. This is why I have
repeatedly said that, all across the world, in all religions, in all
nationalities, in all cultures, the Spirit of the living God is
beginning to stir in the hearts of men and women everywhere. We
must realize the true nature of every person is that they are a
spiritual being. The majority of them have lost their true identity
and the realization of why they came to this earth.
In the parable of the sower, it is
said, “Let both grow together,” but at the end of the age,
God’s angels will come and separate the wheat from the tares. That
is what is happening NOW. But before the wheat and the tare can be
separated within you—before God can remove the tare of your human
identity—you have to have some understanding and some revelation to
be able to go through what you have to go through to have that tare
removed. That is part of the reason why there is so much
discouragement today among God’s people. They are going through
some horrible fires of tribulation to remove the tare of human
reasoning and religious and worldly thinking. We are at the end of
an age, and the dawning of a new age. God will arise within a
people on the earth that are going to shine with the glory and the
manifestation of God such as has never been seen before. This is
the beginning stage NOW.
I wish that people everywhere could
see what I see. I don’t experience a lot of it yet, but God is
removing the veil from my eyes. You need to understand that you are
a spiritual person—you are not a carnal human being. You may be
carnal, and you may be a failure in your experience. All of us,
more or less, are failures in one way or another in the carnal
realm; but you need to realize that is not who you really are. You
are a spiritual being; and in the very core, the very center of your
being, you are a new creation man and woman if you have been
We know that the temple represents the
human body (Body—Outer Court, Soul—Holy Place, Spirit—Holy of
Holies). So, rather than have this concept that you are in the
bodily realm, or that you are in the Pentecostal realm trying to
enter into the Holy Place, you need to have your eyes unveiled to
realize that you are a spiritual being. Your spirit abides in the
presence of Almighty God. When you begin to minister from that
realm, you will experience the renewing of your soul. “I’ll take
you back to where you were in Me before the fall of man.” These
are your roots in Genesis 1. “I’ll restore your soul.” When
your soul is restored, you begin to manifest as a son or daughter of
Melchizedec Priesthood
This is the Melchizedec priesthood on
this earth. The only priesthood that will ever restore creation
back to God is a Melchizedec priesthood. A Melchizedec priest has
no beginning of days or end of life. A Melchizedec priest stands in
the very presence and in the heartthrob of God, and he ministers
from that realm. A Melchizedec priest realizes that he is not a
carnal human being. He is a spiritual person. He stands as God on
the earth, and he lifts one hand into heaven and stretches one hand
toward the earth and brings the two together. He has a message for
the world, and that message is that God, more than you could ever
realize, is not holding you accountable for your carnal condition.
That is why He went to the cross. God became a man and went to the
cross to reveal the love of God for humanity, and that death has no
power over a godly person.
The very first thing you do as a
Melchizedec priest is minister to your soul. “I will restore
your soul.” You stand in the very presence of God, and you
begin to minister to your soul from your spirit. In the Holy Place
were the table of showbread, the candlestick, and the altar of
incense. So, as a spiritual person, you begin to eat the
showbread. Jesus said, in John, Chapter 6, “As I live by the
Father, he that eats me shall live by me.” The showbread
represents Christ Jesus as the Living Bread. So we feast upon God,
and we begin to minister to our souls. David even did that in the
Psalms. He used to say things like, “Be still my soul. Why are
you disquieted within me?” If you go through the Psalms, you’ll
see that David learned how to minister to his soul. Nobody else is
going to do this for you. People can minister to you, but God today
is giving us a revelation and a vision so that we don’t really need
another man to teach us. We need God as our teacher. We need to
assimilate God into us by eating and drinking Him.
Once you have the revelation, the
realization, that you are a Melchizedec priest, your true
ministry begins. Every one of you came here for a specific purpose;
and generally, that purpose is to restore creation back to God. But
we’ve gotten lost in so many different kinds of religions,
philosophies, and man’s reasonings that we really have no idea why
we are here. Thank God that is beginning to change.
Two Mysteries
In another song, Linda wrote,
“God’s seed is in all humanity. You may not see it, but it’s
there. Within us there lies a great mystery.” There are two
great mysteries in the earth today—the mystery of godliness (God
taking on human flesh) and the mystery of iniquity. Many people
think the antichrist is a person who is going to be an incarnation
of satan and will one day rule the world. However, antichrist is
the tare that was sown in the field. The antichrist is the human
personality, that carnal-mindedness that was sown in your field.
The scriptures tell us that, in the early days of the apostles,
there were many antichrists in the world. You don’t have to wait
for a man called antichrist to come and set up his kingdom. Just
look at the carnal, religious, and political systems of our day, and
you can see antichrist. You may be very good, go to church, dance
and sing—and still be in the antichrist system. As long as you see
yourself and God as two separate entities, that is antichrist. That
is the mystery of iniquity.
The mystery of godliness is God
manifested in the flesh. God removes the veil from your eyes, and
you begin to function as Christ on the earth. You begin to see that
all of creation was redeemed at the cross, and you have a great love
for all. Every man and woman has a spirit, and God is the Father of
that spirit even if they do not know it. It is your joy as a son or
daughter of God to minister to them the truth of their true nature
until they too experience regeneration. God, once again, is in
humanity to speak words of life and healing and blessing to all of
creation. Think of what Jesus accomplished when He was on the
earth. Every one of us today should be exactly as He was. Why
aren’t we? We all know that is what He taught. The scriptures tell
us that, “As He is [not as He was],
so are we in this world.” Why haven’t we experienced
that? Well, it’s because of the veil of the tare that was sown in
our field. Two seeds were sown in the same field—the wheat and the
tare. One of them is going to overtake the other in your field.
Two men are growing on the earth
today. The Word talks about a corporate man. There is not
a Christ on the earth in the sense of an individual.
There is a corporate Christ on the earth. Christ is a
corporate group of people who are built up as the Body of Christ, as
the one new man that Ephesians talks about, who will rise up
and take dominion over the earth. And there is also a corporate
antichrist, which is nothing but the human mentality—whether
good or evil, whether religious or not religious, whether it goes to
church or doesn’t go to church. It is a mindset. It is a carnal
mentality. It is what James called double-mindedness.
Whenever you live in a state of double-mindedness, you can be
assured that, to some degree, the tare is still operating in your
What is it to be single-minded? Jesus
said, “If your eye be single, your whole body is full of light.”
You see, from the Holy of Holies, where we truly dwell, we
realize that we are the presence of God on the earth. You
can see this in typology in the Old Testament because the priests
carried the ark of God on their shoulders. We all know the ark of
God was a type of Christ because the ark was wood overlaid with
gold, typifying humanity and divinity. In the ark were the Ten
Commandments, the rod that budded, and the hidden manna. The
priests carried the ark of God on their shoulders, and today we
carry the presence of God within us. But these realities, even
though they are true, cannot be experienced with the carnal
mentality. Most Christians today cannot accept the fact that they
and God are one, because they know by their experience and human
consciousness that there is no way they can be as Jesus was upon
this earth. And that is as it should be because there is no way in
our carnal mentality that we can see the truth of our being.
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the
Kingdom of God; but when you have your eyes unveiled to realize that
you are a spiritual person, it is the most wonderful thing in all
the earth to experience moving in the Holy of Holies. You see, that
is where you have to be to experience Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of
Matthew. When I first met the Lord and read Matthew 5, I went to
several people and said, “Look at what Jesus says here. Is this
possible?” They all told me it was not possible. They said it was
a goal to try to attain, but there was no way we could be that way
until we died. That is not how Jesus taught it. He said
that if you want to be in His Kingdom (in fact, if you are living in
His Kingdom and walking in the reality of the Kingdom of God),
this is how you will react: you will love those who persecute
you and do good to those who despitefully use you. The law says,
“an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” but Jesus said to love
your enemies. No matter how good a Christian you may be, if you are
living out of your carnal consciousness, not understanding and not
having a true revelation of being that person that you really are,
there is no way that you can react that way. It is absolutely
impossible. If people are cruel to you or abusing you, how can you
possibly sense a love for them? You can if you
live in the Holy of Holies because, when you are living in that
realm, you understand that you can do it. You see, the only
way you can forgive people, and the only way you love people that
are abusing you, is if you have an understanding that they do not
really know what they are doing. And you know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that, if they had the revelation of God, if they had the love
of God, if they sensed the heart of God as you do, they wouldn’t
abuse you. So, like Jesus on the cross, there is a compassion and a
loveliness that rises up within you, and you say, “Father, forgive
them. They don’t know what they are doing.”
This is the only thing that can change
the world and bring the Kingdom of God on this earth. We are not
going to do it through legislation. We are not going to do it by
getting good men into politics. We are not going to do it by
infiltrating the arts and all of the worldly kingdoms. The Kingdom
of God is established in the hearts of men and women in the world as
they awaken to their true nature. The more we have the revelation
that we are spiritual beings, the more godliness we will express.
A Sinless Life
A verse that puzzled me for a long
time in the scriptures is the verse that says, in I John 3:9,
“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed
remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”
That was a very confusing verse for me, because I knew that I
had experienced God. I knew that I was born of God, but I sinned
all the time! The scriptures were never written to carnally minded
men. They were written to the seed of God on the earth. This verse
was written to the new creation man. It is impossible for that life
to sin, because that is not a human life. That is not a carnal
life. That is the very life and substance of God Himself. That
life knows no sin. That life knows no bounds and no limitations.
That life knows no sickness, no death, and no disease. And that
is the life that is coming forth within us in these days. That life
is spilling out from the Holy of Holies into the soul realm. Right
in this very day, I’m experiencing the renewing and the refreshing
of my soul. I’m experiencing God washing out the carnality and the
natural thoughts and the human thinking. I’m experiencing a
complete freedom to be who I really am and know that God loves me
regardless of what condition I’m in today. From the Holy of Holies,
from my spirit, God is beginning to flow to renew my soul. And once
that soul is renewed, and the character and the image and the
loveliness of God are fully blossomed within my soul, then it will
flow into my body. And in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, we
shall be changed. We shall be caught up together with Him in the
heavenly realms, where no longer will we look at ourselves as mere
human beings; and we will fully manifest as sons of God.
We truly are Melchizedec priests on
this earth. I know we can’t understand this with the carnal mind,
but we have no beginning of days or end of life. Your life did not
begin when you woke up in a physical realm. You became a seed that
fell into the ground and died to all you were so that you might
bring forth life in this realm to all of creation. One day you are
going to remember that. We all took on flesh and blood and died to
who we were. When you see that, you will be a changed person.
I realize that the carnal mind says,
“Oh, these people are trying to make themselves as gods, and these
people are trying to say they are God.” The carnal mind will always
try to steal the truth because it does not want to be exposed. But
the truth is the truth. When you realize the truth, you will not be
a carnal person anymore. Will you be perfect? You are perfect
already, and the perfection that abides within you in the Holy of
Holies is going to flow out of you. You are going to learn how to
stand in the very presence of Almighty God and speak into existence
the will of God for the earth. We are going to speak the creative
Word of God. Everything that God does, He does through speaking.
One day, all the redeemed of the earth
are going to learn how to live in the Holy of Holies. We are going
to be able to stand in the very presence of God and speak forth the
creative Word that will restore our souls, and it will give us back
our true identity. Then God is going to begin to remove
the veil that has been cast over all nations. All of creation
is going to begin to see the loveliness and the beauty of their
Creator, and there will come that day when every knee shall bow and
every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God
the Father.
If there is one peace of advice I
could give you to help you come into an understanding of what I’m
sharing, it is to stop the carnal thinking. Stop thinking, “How
is this going to happen to me, because it’s an impossibility?” It
comes to you from another realm. You cannot beg for it. You cannot
cry for it. You cannot pray for it. You cannot read the Bible for
it. About the only thing you can do is say, “Oh God, open my
eyes.” I can’t tell you how many years, how many months I’ve prayed
as the Apostle Paul prayed, “Father, open my eyes that I might see
that the same power, the same spirit, the same ability that abided
in Jesus Christ now abides in me. Lord, open my eyes to the reality
of Christ in me, the hope of glory.”
The carnal man is prevailing in most
believers—even among the Kingdom folks—those who know the story of
reconciliation and the love of God for all of humanity. Some of
them cannot even occasionally worship in the same church together.
I was in a church last year, and some folks called me and said,
“Would you come to our church?” I said, “Well you know, you’re just
down the street. Why don’t you come up here and join us?” Their
comment was, “Well, we don’t fellowship with them.” How can
believers say that they live in the love of God and that God has
revealed to them that He is one day going to reconcile all of
creation unto Himself, and then refuse to worship with their
We have a lot of head knowledge. Some
of the most intellectual men today are teaching and preaching, and
they are filling us with so much information; but we are so
destitute, and we lack the ability to be godly. We think
information is transformation; yet I believe it was the Apostle Paul
who said, “Knowledge puffs up.” I wish Christians could have a
divine eraser to erase their minds from all they have been taught so
they could learn the simplicity of the gospel, because it is so
simple. It is so easy to live godly once you get the clutter of
religion out of your mind. Just as you live effortlessly as a human
being, you can live effortlessly as God on this earth. It’s just
simply His life living in you. The human life has its life law.
You do not have to try to be human. You do not have to try to be
carnal. You just are. And God has a higher life law. His is a law
of life that transcends the law of sin and death. His life
transcends the carnality and the carnal thinking and the religiosity
of man. His life is simply a life of love—a very stern love at
times. Every one of us will go through the purifying fires of God
to have this carnal thinking and this mentality burned out of us;
but in the end, we are the wheat that is gathered into the barn, and
we will shine forth with the glory of God and restore all of
creation back to the Father. |